MOVTIME® originated with a strong personal training portfolio and a group fitness class titled 'the danceFITT experience'. With its directors ever-growing expertise through continuous education, and their use of real-life trial and error approaches, they developed and keep developing fresher ways to get people moving.
MOVTIME® consolidated its successful methods and approaches and is moving forward as a strong personal training and group fitness service. The group fitness class formats are titled groupFITT, danceFITT and barreFITT. The spelling of FITT is in reference to the F.I.T.T principal acronym standing for frequency, intensity, time and type. This principle is the cornerstone underpinning all exercise approaches for results-based training.
English Definition
MOVTIME [pronounced: Mo / V / Time]
Derivative of [time to move]
To move your body in time. Usually associated with music
To be active and energized